文章做者:网友浑算 宣告时候:2021-06-29 01:05:16 去历:www.down6.com
专辑:Bundles (feat. Taylor Girlz
语种: 英语
Go bad b***h go bad b***h ah
Go bad b***h go bad b***h what
My friend got 40 inch hair hair
B***hes love to stare stare
Touching her derrière derr
B***h you want this hair hair
My b***h is 词分bad bad
Make all you hoes look sad mad
Her a*s is fat fat
My a*s is flat flat
My friend got 40 inch hair hair
B***hes love to stare stare
Touching her derrière touch it
B***h you want this hair this hair
My b***h is bad she bad
Make all you hoes look sad they mad
Her a*s is fat what
My a*s is flat yuh
Bad b***h a*s fat ooh
40 inch hair yours came in a pack ooh
Camel toe fat you can see it from the back
Ah ah ah ah
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go ah
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go what
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go ah
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Friend came with the baby hairs hair
Lame-ass h*e can't compare can't
Be talkin' about me but they built like a pear
Keep that s**t circle don't fit in no square
Out-of-shape hoes can't sit right here
Big booty b***h I need two chairs
That n***a mine b***h I don't share
Say what you want b***h I don't care
My friend got 40 inch hair hair
B***hes love to stare yeah
Touching her derrière yeah
B***h you want this hair yeah
My b***h is bad bad
Make all you hoes look sad they mad
Her a*s is fat fat
My a*s is flat
Yeah I say what I want
And I mean what I say yeah
Just checked my account it
Had more than a K work it
Went out of state and came back in a day
I showed up late but I won't be delayed
I ain't do s**t if I ain't gettin' paid
B***h I'm a snack he want fries with this shake
He think he finna come lay up today woo
He wanna freak and take me on a date
But he can't drown it's a lake
Swishin' like water they both gravitate
Stylin' on b***hes like Erika Tay
B***h I'm a Barbie the one you can't take
I f**k with the kid but I do not play
Runnin' on b***hes like I'm a relay
You cannot sis me we do not relate
And that ain't my b***h if we not gettin' cake hair
My friend got 40 inch hair yeah
B***hes love to stare yeah
Touching her derrière what
B***h you want this hair uh huh
My b***h is bad yeah
Make all you hoes look sad what
Her a*s is fat what
My a*s is flat okay
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
Go bad b***h go bad b***h go
And if you weren't dancin' to this
That's 'cause you ain't a real bad b***h
Only bad b***hes can relate to real bad b***h s**t
Yeah we out
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